Danica Patrick and Claire Williams have joined the Drive to Survive team, giving their views on the new sixth season on Netflix.

Former IndyCar and NASCAR racer Patrick – the only woman to win an IndyCar Series race – is a regular face to British viewers of Sky Sports’ F1 coverage in the last two years, with the 41-year-old featuring as a pundit on races stateside and beyond.

Williams, the daughter of Williams F1 team founder Sir Frank Williams and team principal of Williams from 2013-2020, also features in the sixth season.

Both Patrick and Williams, 47, join F1 TV presenter Will Buxton as pundits on the popular docu-series.

The duo replaced BBC Radio 5 Live reporter Jennie Gow, who stepped back from the show after suffering a stroke last year.

Drive to Survive co-producer Tom Rogers explained that Patrick brings a “great perspective” to the show, one of Netflix’s most successful documentary series’.

“We attempt to focus on the stories of the sport,” Rogers told the New York Post.

“With Danica, she brings a great perspective of what it’s like to drive a racing car and the challenges of the sport.

“The periphery to that is less important for us in the sense that she’s bringing a good contribution to the story.

"I think she does a really good job explaining to our viewers some of the thought processes that the drivers are going through.”

The sixth season was released on Netflix on 23 February. A seventh season for next year, though not yet formally announced, is expected to be agreed.

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