A controversial Low Emission Zone (LEZ) in Glasgow has raked in £1,010,585 in fines, newly released figures from the city council show.

The figures cover ten-and-a-half months from the start of last June to mid-April this year and roughly equate to more than £3,000 per day.

By the end of March, 38,294 penalty charges had been issued to drivers of non-compliant vehicles, which tend to be older petrol and diesel models.

Edinburgh, Dundee and Aberdeen are set to follow suit with the enforcement of LEZs within the next fortnight. The money generated by the scheme in Glasgow will be spent on operating the LEZ and projects aimed at improving air quality and achieving the council’s net zero target.

The cost of operating the scheme will be assessed after the anniversary of the zone being enforced is reached next month.

The council is planning to spend £250,000 on urban greening – where trees, plants and small parks are incorporated into city environments. Another £250,000 will be allocated to climate action projects.

A council spokesman said: ‘Revenue can only be used to support the operation of the LEZ, and projects and activities that either enhance the city’s air quality or help it achieve its net zero targets.

‘The council’s recent budget identified potential to direct £250,000 into urban greening and a further £250,000 to support local community climate action projects. Given the range of potential projects which could be supported, an evaluation process will help determine the allocation of resources.’

However, the LEZ has angered local businesses and motorists, who say they are being unfairly penalised.

Last week, it emerged 41 City of Edinburgh Council vehicles will fall foul of its LEZ, coming into force next month.

It means the council will have to hire replacement vehicles to take people to schools and daycare centres.

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