Tesla employees have told buyers that the current hold is due to a faulty windshield wiper motor.

Several Tesla Cybertruck buyers expecting to pick up their new truck this week were disappointed to find that their delivery dates have been pushed back at least a week. Service Center employees have told buyers that an issue with the windshield wiper motor is the culprit.

While this has not been officially confirmed, multiple reports in recent weeks have been made of Cybertruck windshield wiper motors functioning poorly and, in some cases, completely failing.

One Florida owner on the Cybertruck Owners Club forums says that rain began to pour shortly after picking up his truck this past week. Despite being a new truck right off the lot, the wipers would not turn on, and he was completely blinded by the heavy downpour. He had to roll down his window and hang his head out in the pouring rain to navigate his truck to a safe place.

Last month, a new owner in Houston ran into the same issue and was unable to drive safely during the recent heavy spring storms. The local Tesla Service Center said another truck was already in the shop for the same reason, but they were not yet authorized to make repairs. Presumably, this is because a fix had not yet been developed. So, they chose to hang on to the truck until repair options became available. 

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Up until yesterday, Tesla had continued delivering new Cybertrucks to customers. But now we have multiple reports of delivery dates being pushed back. If the wiper issue is indeed the reason, as buyers have reported, then it seems likely that a fix has been developed and will hopefully roll out to impacted owners soon.

Previous high-profile Cybertruck recalls, including the accelerator pedal fix, impacted the entire production run up to that point. It is currently unknown how widespread this wiper motor issue is, but if Tesla issues a formal recall, we will inform readers here.

Are you a Cybertruck owner who has encountered this same issue? If so, has Tesla been able to repair your vehicle, or are you still waiting for the fix? Let us know your experience in the comments below.

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