This Tuesday, September 3, the German justice system begins a trial against the former CEO of Volkswagen: Martin Winterkorn. The judges will have to establish his responsibility in the Dieselgate scandal.

In September 2015, in the middle of the Frankfurt Motor Show (Germany), it's revealed that  Volkswagen is allegedly using software to "cheat" on emissions tests. Its Diesel cars adopt a specific behavior to shine on the CO2 emissions test bench. In the eyes of the American justice system, it's not a question of engineering adjustment, but rather of data manipulation, which Volkswagen eventually admits to. In Europe, too, the Justice system is demanding accountability from Volkswagen. This time, it is its former CEO who is in the dock.

Long trial

Martin Winterkorn (photo taken in 2013) is accused of fraud, false statements and market manipulation. 89 hearings are scheduled in Brunswick in Lower Saxony (Germany) for this trial which begins this Tuesday, September 3, 2024. The investigation lasted 9 years. 9 years to try to determine his role and involvement in the implementation of the cheating software. The 76-year-old man has always maintained that he was informed "late" and in a piecemeal manner about this method of fraud.

(MH with Olivier Duquesne - Source: RTBF / Picture: © Volkswagen AG)

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